
Just when you’re thinking life is just a bowl of cherries, you get caught in the pits. As I was in the final throes of putting on a baby shower for a granddaughter on May 16th, her twin boys decided to be born. At only 27 weeks!

So, more than two months later, these little darlings are still in the hospital, in NICU, and learning to breathe on their own, swallow milk from a bottle, and other functions that we do automatically once we’re fully developed. They’ve had major surgeries, with still more in their near future, have wires and tubes all over, and still those little guys plug forward. They’ve come from 2 lbs. to a little over 4 lbs. each.  Although it is heartbreaking to see them go through all these procedures, it is so heartwarming to know there is the technology available to simulate the gestation process and correct Nature’s shortcomings.

But above all, it is amazing to see the strength of spirit and will to survive evidenced in their progress and in the steady, nurturing presence of their parents.

Obviously, we can learn a lot from the pits.

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